
Testing your Script Worker

To make sure that your script worker is working correctly, let’s run a few tests.

First, we will need to create and deploy a process that will call your script worker task.

in the script-worker.go file set the PROC_NAME constant to AddOneTask, build and start your script-worker.

There is a file test-script-worker.bpmn in this directory that you can use to create a test process. You can drag-drop this file into the Modeler tab of Camunda Cloud. Your process should look like this:

Test Script Worker Process

You can click the Deploy Diagram button to deploy the process. Once the process is deployed, click the Start Instance button to start a process instance.

If you’ve made no changes to the process diagram, your process should complete very quickly. You can go to the Operate tab and see a list of processes that are running (or finished).

List of finished processes

If you click on the process ID in the list, you can see that the process has completed, and that the total count at the end is 10. (We started it with count=0 and added add=1 to it, then added 4, then added 5.)

Alternatively, we could start the process with an arbitrary number, and add any number to it in the first step. To do this, we add a starting set of variables to the process:

  "count": 10,
  "add": 5

Starting process with arbitrary variables

And we will end up with a final count of 24 (10 + 5 + 4 + 5 = 24).

Final count

We will be using this simple script-worker for other parts of this lab.